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My first post

Hello there! In case you’re wondering, today I am starting this blog and I’ll try every time to post as soon as I finish reading. There will be days when I will not update regularly because I won’t have time but I will try to update at least once a week.

You can follow me on Goodreads, I’m thinking of having a Facebook page too but I don’t know if somebody will actually read it. But I think it’s a good way of reminding you of new posts, isn’t it?  🙂

I’ve always wanted to have a blog, I just didn’t know what to write of. Lately, the book blog was in my mind, so I said to myself: ”Why not?” I hope I’ll like blogging as much as I like reading. 🙂

But since it is my first blog I think it is fair to write some interesting (or not) facts about me… So, here they are:

  1. I am lazy. It’s maybe not a good way to start with this fact, but it is true. I often get weary of doing something and just stop doing it, so I really hope I won’t stop blogging after a week or two.
  2. My favourite colour is blue. It reminds me of the sea, summer and happy days, which is a little ironic because blue is considered a cool colour.
  3. I started to collect bookmarks a couple years ago and now I just can’t stop it. I have more than 100 of them and I can’t bring myself to throw them away even though I am not using 85 % of them. Some of them just remind me of something, someone or some place.
  4. English is not my first language, Slovenian is.
  5. I eat waaay too much chocolate and other sweets. I often say I am going on a diet, but they usually last an hour until I get hungry.
  6. I started buying books a year or two ago and now I am trying to stop before it gets out of hand.
  7. Before buying, I usually borrow a book in the library to see, if it is worth being on my shelf.
  8. I am kind of scared of dogs. Small, big, doesn’t matter.
  9. People often said I am funny. I think so too (not to be self-centred because I hate people who are) 😛
  10. I like maths. I calculate the change before the cashier says it.
  11. I have these great ideas in my head of my future movies and books. I tried to start a book and it didn’t work out very well (see the first fact). So, my movies and books will probably never see the light of day.
  12. I like tea.

These are all I can think of right now. Do you have any interesting facts about yourself? 🙂


Thanks for