Buck Wild by Lauren Landish

Buck Wild (Bennett Boys Ranch #1)

Title // Naslov: Buck Wild

Author // Avtorica: Lauren Landish

Release Date // Datum izdaje: September 25th 2018 (25. september 2018)

Genre // Žanr: Contemporary Romance, sodobni roman

Buy here // Kupi tukaj: Amazon – B&N


Blurb: Bull rider James Bennett lives for those eight seconds of exhilaration. A rodeo cowboy in his prime, all he wants out of life is something to straddle. That’s why James is feeling a little restless, spending his summer off working his family’s ranch. That is, until a spirited and gorgeous veterinarian-in-training shows up and puts the cocky wild boy—and his ego—in place. Though she’s a feisty one, James is always up for a challenge.

Sophie Stone has to admit it: James Bennett is a checklist of cowboy hotness—ruggedly handsome with piercing blue eyes, a hard-muscled body, and just enough swagger to make her toes curl. She thought she was done with her bad-boy phase, but exceptions must be made.

How can Sophie possibly say no to man who makes her heart buck like a bronco? And when their summer fling comes to an end, how can she possibly say goodbye?


Povzetek iz zadnje strani: Jahač bikov James Bennett živi za teh osem sekund veselja. Rodeo kavboj v svojih najboljših letih, vse kar si želi od življenja je jahati. Zato se počuti nemirnega, ko preživlja poletje tako da dela na ranču svoje družine. Dokler se ne pojavi duhovita in prekrasna pripravnica veterine in tega divjega moškega – in njegov ego – postavi na svoje mesto.

Sophie Stone mora priznati: James Bennett je na vrhu seznama privlačnih kavbojev —čeden in robat z modrimi očmi in mišičastim telesom. Mislila je, da je opravila z ”bad- boyi”, vendar on je pač izjema.

Ali se lahko Sophie upre moškemu, zaradi katerega ji srce bije močneje? In ali se bo lahko poslovila od njega, ko bo poletja konec?


My thoughts:

To be honest, this week I didn’t feel like writing a review because I’ve got nothing new to say. That’s why I’ve been prolonging this review but I feel like I have to write it at some point because the sooner the better (and well, I’ll forget what I want to say).

Lately, I have felt this need to read cowboy romances and well, when you start it’s hard to stop.

I’m a newbie to Lauren Landish’s books and I was excited to read this book. I did like her writing but sadly, even though it was interesting, all I can say about it is that the book is very steamy. The connection between them is almost instant and they soon started to sleep together.

I do think the author’s writing has a potential but I just didn’t feel connected to the characters or the story. Yeah, he’s a bull rider and is with family only during the summer and yes, Sophie is in town for summer too because she has school in the fall, but there’s no bigger confliction or drama in the book. And I missed that. That’s why I didn’t feel like writing the review right after I finished Buck Wild because I didn’t know what to say. I had to think about it for a few days.

All I remember from the book is steamy moments, fixing the fence and the neighbouring family. I wish I could say more but that’s what for me was missing. More.

3,5 stars.


ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Moje misli:

Po resnici povedano, ta teden nisem bila čisto pri volji, da bi napisala revju knjige, ker nimam popolnoma nič novega za povedati. Zato sem odlašala s pisanjem revjuja vendar sedaj ga moram napisati, ker bolje pozno kot nikoli, kajne? (In pa bolj bežijo dnevi, bolj bom pozabila za kaj se je sploh šlo v knjigi).

V zadnjem času res veliko berem romane s kavboji in no, ko enkrat začneš, ne moreš nehati.

Kar se tiče avtorice Lauren Landish sem novinka pri branju njenih knjig, zato sem bila res vesela preden sem začela brati knjigo. Všeč mi je bil njen stil pisanja, ampak na žalost, čeprav je bila knjiga kar zanimiva, vse, kar lahko rečem je, da je bila polna vročih trenutkov. Glavna junaka se zelo hitro navežeta eden na drugega in tudi kmalu začneta spati skupaj.

Avtoričin stil pisanja po mojem mnenju ima potencial, vendar sama se žal nisem počutila povezano z junakoma ali zgodbo. Ja, on jaha bike in je čez poletje pri družini in ja, ona je tudi med poletjem v mestu, ker ima jeseni faks, vendar nekega zapleta, drame pa ta knjiga nima. In to sem pogrešala. Zato revjuja nisem takoj napisala, ker nisem vedela, kaj naj rečem. Morala sem razmisliti o knjigi in kaj bom napisala.

Vse, kar se spomnim iz knjige so vroči trenutki, popravljanje ograje in sosedi. Ko bi le lahko napisala kaj več, vendar ravno to sem pogrešala. Več.

3,5 zvezdic.


ARC (Knjiga, ki jo bralci v roke dobimo pred njeno izdajo) je bila zagotovljena preko spletne strani NetGalley v zameno za iskreno oceno. Knjigo sem prebrala in ocenila prostovoljno. Vse misli in mnenja so izključno moja.

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